Does a female rabbit private part swell when in heat?

While female rabbits do go through a period of heat (called estrus), their vulva (private part) does not visibly swell during this time.

Here's why:

* Rabbits are induced ovulators: This means they don't ovulate (release an egg) on a regular cycle like many other mammals. They only ovulate after mating.

* No outward signs: Because ovulation is triggered by mating, there aren't any obvious external signs like swelling.

* Behavioral changes: The most noticeable signs of heat in female rabbits are behavioral changes. They may become more vocal, affectionate, and interested in mating. They may also "thump" their hind feet more often, and their vulva might become slightly pinker.

If you're unsure if your female rabbit is in heat, it's best to consult with a veterinarian. They can provide the best advice for your specific situation.