Why is your turkey poult legs splayed it cannot stand on its own but otherwise healthy and scoots around?

It's very concerning to hear that your turkey poult has splayed legs. It's important to act quickly and consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. Here's why:

What is Splayed Leg Syndrome?

Splayed legs, also known as "spraddle legs", is a condition where a young bird's legs are turned outwards and they struggle to stand and walk properly. This can be caused by several factors, including:

* Genetics: Some breeds are more prone to this condition.

* Nutrition: Lack of calcium and other essential nutrients can contribute.

* Overcrowding: Too many poults in a confined space can increase the risk.

* Slipperiness: Smooth flooring can make it difficult for poults to gain traction.

* Cold temperatures: Poults need warm environments and cold temperatures can weaken them.

Why It's Serious:

* Pain: The condition can be painful for the poult.

* Limited mobility: Inability to walk properly can lead to difficulty accessing food and water, and make them more susceptible to predators.

* Potential for infections: Injured legs can be more prone to infection.

What to Do:

* Contact a veterinarian immediately: They can diagnose the condition and recommend the best course of treatment.

* Provide a safe and comfortable environment: A warm, clean, and dry space with soft bedding is crucial.

* Support the poults: You can try gently supporting the poults' legs with bandages or splints, but this should only be done under the guidance of a veterinarian.

* Adjust nutrition: Make sure poults are receiving a balanced diet rich in calcium.

Remember: Early intervention is key. Don't delay getting professional help for your poult.