What to do scare an eagle?

To scare an eagle, you can try the following methods:

- Make yourself big and loud. Eagles are wary of large predators, so try to make yourself appear as large and intimidating as possible. Stand up tall, spread your arms out wide, and make loud noises. This will help to scare the eagle away.

- Throw objects at the eagle. If you have any objects handy, such as rocks or sticks, you can try throwing them at the eagle. This will help to startle the eagle and make it fly away.

- Use a slingshot. If you have a slingshot, you can try using it to shoot small rocks or marbles at the eagle. This will help to keep the eagle away from your property.

- Use a drone. If you have a drone, you can try flying it near the eagle. This will help to startle the eagle and make it fly away.

- Call animal control. If you are feeling overwhelmed or if the eagle is posing a serious threat, you can call animal control. They will be able to come and remove the eagle from your property.