Why is the white bellied sea eagle endangered?

Habitat loss and degradation

The white-bellied sea eagle is highly vulnerable to habitat loss and degradation. The main threats to its habitats include:

* Deforestation: The clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, and other development is a major cause of habitat loss for the white-bellied sea eagle.

* Wetland drainage: The draining of wetlands for agriculture, flood control, and other purposes is another major cause of habitat loss.

* Pollution: Pollution from industrial and agricultural activities can contaminate water sources and food supplies, and can also directly poison eagles.

* Human disturbance: Human disturbance, such as recreation and tourism, can also disrupt the nesting and feeding behavior of eagles.

Hunting and persecution

The white-bellied sea eagle is also hunted and persecuted by humans. The main threats to eagles from hunting and persecution include:

* Hunting for food or trophies: Eagles are sometimes hunted for their meat or feathers, or as trophies.

* Persecution as a pest: Eagles are sometimes killed because they are perceived as a threat to livestock or fisheries.

Climate change

Climate change is also a major threat to the white-bellied sea eagle. Climate change is causing sea levels to rise, which is threatening coastal habitats. It is also causing storms and other extreme weather events to become more frequent and intense, which can damage or destroy eagle nests and food supplies.


The white-bellied sea eagle is an endangered species due to a combination of habitat loss, hunting and persecution, and climate change. It is important to take action to protect this eagle and its habitats in order to ensure its long-term survival.