What health needs do budgies have?

1. Nutritious Diet

- High-quality seed mix containing a variety of seeds like millet, canary, and safflower

- Fresh fruits and vegetables daily, such as apples, bananas, carrots, and spinach

- Provide a cuttlebone or mineral block for calcium

2. Clean and Safe Environment

- Cage of appropriate size with enough space to fly and stretch

- Clean cage regularly with warm, soapy water and replace substrate/newspaper

- Avoid drafts, extreme temperatures, and noisy areas

- Provide perches of different sizes and textures

3. Regular Exercise and Playtime

- Allow out-of-cage time for flying and exploring under supervision

- Provide toys such as bells, swings, and mirrors for mental stimulation

4. Health Checks and Veterinary Care

- Schedule regular check-ups with an avian veterinarian (every 6 months to a year)

- Monitor budgie's behavior, droppings, and overall appearance for any changes

5. Good Hygiene and Sanitation

- Wash hands before handling your budgie

- Keep cage and food/water bowls clean to prevent bacterial growth

- Avoid exposing budgie to harsh chemicals or fumes

6. Socialization

- Spend quality time with your budgie daily to build a bond

- Talk, sing, or read to your budgie to help them learn your voice

- Consider getting another budgie for companionship if you have the resources