1. The eggs may become unviable: Without the warmth provided by the female, the eggs could cool down and become inviable. This means the embryos inside the eggs may stop developing or may not develop properly, resulting in infertile eggs.
2. The eggs may be eaten by other lovebirds: Lovebirds, like other birds, have a natural instinct to feed on eggs. If the female leaves the nest for an extended period or stops sitting on the eggs altogether, other lovebirds in the aviary or nest box might try to eat the eggs.
3. The eggs may not hatch properly: If the female resumes sitting on the eggs after a break, the hatching process may be disrupted. This can result in the chicks hatching prematurely or having difficulty breaking out of the shells, leading to reduced chances of survival.
4. The female may abandon the nest: In some cases, if the female lovebird stops sitting on the eggs for a long time or experiences significant stress, she may completely abandon the nest. This could leave the eggs vulnerable to predators, other lovebirds, or adverse environmental conditions.
To prevent these scenarios, it's important to create a suitable nesting environment, provide enough food and water for the female, and minimize stress factors in the aviary or cage. If the female does abandon the eggs, it's best to remove them from the nest box to avoid further issues and ensure the well-being of your lovebirds.