How does migratoin help birds?

1. Access to better food sources

During migration, birds can travel to areas where food is more abundant or of better quality. This can help them to maintain their body condition and survive the rigors of migration. For example, many songbirds migrate south in the fall to take advantage of the abundance of insects in the tropics.

2. Escape from harsh weather

Migration can also help birds to escape from harsh weather conditions. This is especially important for birds that live in areas with extreme temperatures or weather events, such as hurricanes or droughts. For example, many waterfowl migrate south in the winter to escape the cold temperatures and snow of the northern United States and Canada.

3. Find new breeding grounds

Migration can also help birds to find new breeding grounds. This is especially important for birds that live in areas with limited or unstable nesting sites. For example, many shorebirds migrate to the Arctic in the spring to breed because there is an abundance of food and nesting sites in this region.

4. Avoid competition

Migration can also help birds to avoid competition for food and resources. This is especially important for birds that live in areas with high population densities. For example, many songbirds migrate south in the fall to avoid competition for food and nesting sites with other birds.

5. Spread their species

Migration can also help birds to spread their species to new areas. This can help to increase the genetic diversity of bird populations and make them more resilient to environmental changes. For example, many waterfowl have expanded their ranges in recent years due to migration.