What do bluebirds everyday?

* Searching for food. Bluebirds eat insects, fruits, and berries. They spend a lot of time foraging for food, especially during the spring and summer when they are raising young.

* Building nests. Bluebirds build their nests in cavities in trees or other structures. They use a variety of materials to build their nests, including twigs, leaves, grass, and mud.

* Raising young. Bluebirds typically lay 4-5 eggs per clutch. The eggs are incubated for about 2 weeks, and the chicks hatch about 2 weeks after that. The chicks are cared for by both parents, and they fledge from the nest about 3 weeks after hatching.

* Migrating. Bluebirds are migratory birds, which means that they travel long distances between their summer and winter homes. Bluebirds that breed in the northern United States and Canada migrate south to warmer climates for the winter.

* Singing. Bluebirds are beautiful songbirds, and they are known for their melodious songs. They often sing from perches in trees or other high points.