How long does it take for a baby bird to leave it?

It varies among different bird species, but the period during which a baby bird (nestling or fledgling) stays in its nest before leaving it is referred to as the "nestling period" or "fledging period." Here are some general ranges:

1. Altricial Birds (Helpless at Hatching):

- Nestling Period: 2-3 weeks (e.g., robins, sparrows)

- Fledging Period: 1-3 weeks (after leaving the nest)

2. Semi-Altricial Birds (Partially Developed at Hatching):

- Nestling Period: Around 2 weeks

- Fledging Period: A few days to several weeks

3. Precocial Birds (Relatively Independent at Hatching):

- Nestling Period: Short (less than a week)

- Fledging Period: Can leave the nest within a day or two

It's important to note that the specific timeframes may vary within bird families, and some species might have longer or shorter nestling periods and different fledging behaviors.