The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) is a United States federal law enacted in 1940 to protect bald eagles and golden eagles. The BGEPA prohibits the taking, possession, sale, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase, or barter, transport, export, or import, of any bald eagle or golden eagle, alive or dead, including any part, nest, or egg of these species. The BGEPA also prohibits the disturbance of bald eagles and golden eagles, including their nests and eggs.
Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) is a United States federal law enacted in 1918 to implement treaties between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Russia for the protection of migratory birds. The MBTA prohibits the taking, possession, sale, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase, or barter, transport, export, or import, of any migratory bird, alive or dead, including any part, nest, or egg of these species. The MBTA also prohibits the disturbance of migratory birds, including their nests and eggs.
Endangered Species Act of 1973
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a United States federal law enacted in 1973 to protect threatened and endangered species and their habitats. The ESA prohibits the taking, possession, sale, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase, or barter, transport, export, or import, of any endangered or threatened species, alive or dead, including any part, nest, or egg of these species. The ESA also prohibits the destruction or modification of critical habitat for threatened or endangered species.
These are some of the laws that help protect bald eagles. These laws help to ensure that bald eagles can continue to thrive and reproduce in their natural habitats.