How to Help a Hurt Bird

People often find hurt birds but don't know what to do. The bird may have collided with a glass window or been hit by a car or attacked by cruel people. Whatever the cause of the injury, when you find a hurt bird on the ground, immediate first aid is the best way to treat the animal. Though professional help may be necessary, you can at least try to make the bird comfortable in the meantime.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Towel or piece of clothing
  • Box, basket or paper bag
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      Put on gloves. This protects both you and the bird. Rubber gloves are fine to use.

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      Pick the bird up gently.

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      Wrap the bird in a towel or piece of clothing to contain it. Put the bird in a box or a basket . A paper bag with air holes poked into it is also viable for holding a bird.

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      Take the bird to a dark, quiet and warm place to rest. In a calming environment, a bird can relax and recover if he is only stunned.

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      Take the container with the bird outside one hour later.

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      Open the box or paper bag and unwrap the towel. Wait for the bird to fly away and up to a tree branch. If it does, the bird is all right. If the bird flies weakly or can't fly at all or walks in circles, put the bird back in the container.

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      Take the bird to the closest veterinary hospital, vet clinic, animal shelter, humane society or animal control office. Professionals there can care for the bird. Keep the noise level down during transport. Do not turn on the car radio. Quiet is best for the hurt bird.