Bald eagles life cycle and reproduction?

Bald eagle life cycle and reproduction:

1. Egg-laying: Bald eagles typically lay two to three eggs in a large, bulky nest made of sticks, lined with grass, moss, and feathers. Most egg laying occurs in February and March.

2. Incubation: Both male and female eagles take turns incubating the eggs, which hatch after about 35 days.

3. Eaglets: The newly hatched eaglets are covered with white down and are completely dependent on their parents for food and care. They grow quickly and begin to develop their flight feathers.

4. Fledging: After about 10 to 12 weeks, the eaglets are ready to fledge, meaning they are able to fly. However, they continue to rely on their parents for food for several more months.

5. Independence: Young eagles become independent of their parents at around 18 months of age. They then begin to wander in search of their own territory.

6. Sexual Maturity: Bald eagles reach sexual maturity at around five years of age. They typically mate for life and return to the same nest year after year.

Bald eagles are long-lived birds, and they can live for up to 30 years in the wild. They are apex predators and play an important role in the food chain.