How to Tell if a Chicken Egg Has a Chick in It

Incubating chicken eggs allows you to examine and monitor them closely. Once the chicken eggs are placed in the incubator, you can inspect them after three days to determine if they are fertilized. Brown chicken eggs may need to rest in the incubator for up to six days because it may be more difficult to see the interior. Candling a chicken egg allows you to see the contents inside the egg. Candling involves shining a strong light onto the eggshell in a dark room. When you candle the chicken eggs, you can determine if they are developing correctly.

Things You'll Need

  • Shoebox
  • Knife or scissors
  • 60-watt light bulb
  • Light bulb socket mount
  • Extension cord
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    • 1

      Cut a hole in the top of a shoebox no larger than 1-inch in diameter. The hole allows the light to remain contained in the box.

    • 2

      Place a 60-watt light bulb into a light socket mount. Place the mounted light bulb inside the shoebox. Hook the socket to an extension cord through the hole in the box. Secure the lid onto the shoebox.

    • 3

      Turn the lights off in the room so that it remains pitch black. Remove a chicken egg from the incubator gently. Chicken eggs are delicate and can crack easily.

    • 4

      Hold the chicken egg up to the light shining out of the shoebox. Move the egg around carefully to determine if you can see the embryo inside.

    • 5

      Inspect the interior of the egg carefully. Fertilized eggs will appear dark and may even have a pink-like color. You may also notice blood vessels. Infertile chicken eggs will appear clear. Dead embryos may have blood rings or many spots or streaks.