How to Help a Parakeet that Is Laying Too Many Eggs

Female parakeets are notorious in the pet-keeping world as a pet bird that, if left alone with a male, can lay so many eggs it will put its health in serious danger by denying the female parakeet's necessary nutrients and vitamins, which are diverted by constantly laying eggs. There are simple solutions, however, for this issue to help maintain the health of your pet.

Things You'll Need

  • Local vet clinic
  • Second bird aviary
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      Identify if your female parakeet is laying too many eggs by counting how many eggs she is laying every two weeks. If your female parakeet is laying more than six eggs, she is laying too many eggs for her own physical well being. If she continues to lay more eggs, she will simply die of exhaustion. Parakeets are not naturally housed in such close quarters to a male in the wild and such frequent mating and fertilization will kill your female parakeet by physical exhaustion (lack of nutrients and vitamins when constantly laying eggs).

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      Decide if you would like for your female parakeet to lay eggs in the future or if you do not want to deal with the hassle. If you would like for your female parakeet to lay future eggs, simply move her away from your male parakeet (the male has darker colored feathers) and into a new aviary with all of her needs.

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      Visit the veterinarian if you decide you would not like for your female parakeet to lay future eggs and schedule an appointment to spay your female parakeet. After your female parakeet is spayed, you can house her with your male parakeet with no egg laying hazards for the female.