How to Get Rid of Birds Without Hurting Them

Birds can be a beautiful sight to observe for many people. However, some birds can quickly be viewed as a noise problem or causing unsanitary conditions on roofs, ledges and balconies. In addition, some birds might consume your crops or cause physical damage to your building or property. Fortunately, there are many safe measures to take to get rid of birds without hurting them.


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      Hang up bird netting. Bird netting can be used to prevent birds from reaching certain areas. For example, bird netting can be used to protect vegetables, fruit crops, fish and birds from predator birds. Hang mesh made of polyethylene twine on steel cable to block birds' access to areas where you don't want them.

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      Install electric tracks. Electric tracks can be used on areas where birds perch, such as roofs and window sills. When the birds land on it, they will slight electrical shock. Even though it won't hurt them, it will scare them away.

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      Lay out bird spikes. Bird spikes are similar to the road spikes police use to stop car chases. The spikes make it impossible for the birds to perch on the area lined with them. Even though birds won't get injured by the spikes, they act as a deterrent to perching.

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      Use squawkers. Squawkers are sound technologies that contain electronic versions of distress or predator calls used to scare birds away. The squawker can be used to get rid of common species of pest birds such as geese, crows, pigeons and seagulls.

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      Hang up reflective streamers and balloons. Reflective streamers and balloons with big eyes painted on them can be used to frighten some birds. Rather than perching or roosting in that particular area, the bright colors and movement will cause them to find a safer area.

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      Destroy empty nests. This should be done towards the end of the year, after migration but before the mating season. Use a pole saw to cut down any branches the nest is resting on and remove any nesting materials in the area. Not having a place to nest will deter the birds from staying in that particular area.

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      Use a propane-powered gas gun. This type of gun produces a periodic loud explosion to scare off birds. However, it could also irritate people living nearby and birds can quickly learn to adapt to its constant pitch and time interval.