When Does an Indian Ringneck Have Eggs?

Indian ringnecks are a type of parrot originally native to India. They are usually bright green in color, and the males sport rosy rings around their necks. Color mutations can also be found; Indian ringnecks can be blue, yellow, indigo, white or spotted. These birds breed readily in captivity when the correct conditions are provided.
  1. Age

    • In order to breed, Indian ringnecks must have reached sexual maturity. Indian ringnecks are typically old enough to produce eggs when they are about 1 1/2 years old. However, some birds don't feel ready to breed, and will not produce any eggs until they are 2 or even 3 years old. Males usually take about a year longer than females to mature. When Indian ringnecks reach maturity, they display their adult markings, including the ring. Male birds will display, once they're mature, by opening their wings wide. Females will tilt their heads back and cluck to other birds.

    Paired Birds

    • Like other parrot species, Indian ringnecks choose one mate to breed with during the breeding season. However, Indian ringnecks can be fickle, and may be distracted by other nearby birds. It is often best to separate breeding pairs of Indian ringnecks from other ringneck parrots. If the pair can't see any other birds, they are more likely to pay attention to each other, and therefore more likely to produce eggs. Pairs can be kept together year round, which increases their bond.

    Breeding Season

    • In the wild, Indian ringneck parrots have a particular breeding season. In captivity in the United States, this breeding season is usually in the beginning or middle of winter. Indian ringnecks will be more likely to produce eggs during their natural breeding season. However, breeding and producing eggs during cold weather can produce health problems with the eggs. Some breeders prefer to remove the nesting area, preventing the parrots from producing eggs, until the spring, when it's warmer.

    Nesting Area

    • Indian ringnecks require a nesting area in which to lay their eggs. When the nesting area is placed in the ringnecks' aviary, the female starts getting ready to breed and produce eggs. The nesting area is usually a large box, with a single hole in it, where the birds can enter. This box can be made at home, or purchased from a pet store. The bottom of the box should be lined with a soft bedding, such as wood shavings. The female bird will rearrange this bedding to her liking before she produces any eggs. Without a nesting area, the Indian ringnecks will not produce any eggs.