How to Help Stranded Mother & Baby Ducks

Cities continue to encroach upon the natural world, and humans and animals are increasingly inhabiting the same space. A family of stranded ducks wandering into civilization is a good example of this. Fortunately, a mother duck and her chicks can be corralled and guided back to their home. At times, though, they need a little bribing with a few scraps of bread.

Things You'll Need

  • Bread
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      Corral the ducks away from any danger, such as a busy street, moving car or predatory animals; however, ensure your personal safety before you worry about ducks. Avoid touching the ducks, as this may cause them to panic and injure themselves. Force the ducks to move by walking behind them. The chicks will instinctive follow their mother, but if a chick is too disoriented, it could stray and lose track of the group, so keep the chicks as close together as possible.

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      Guide the ducks back to their home. The nearest body of fresh water is the most likely place for their nesting grounds. Walk calmly alongside the ducks, keeping them safe from harm and focused on the path. Prevent the ducks from turning by blocking their path.

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      Make a trail of bread to bribe the ducks back to their nesting grounds, particularly if they are frightened or confused.