How to Help a Starling Bird With a Broken Wing

A starling with an injured wing is likely to be unable to fly, so it will be vulnerable to attack from predators unless moved to safety. Any bird with a broken wing will be disorientated and extremely distressed, so the best thing you can do if you find one in such a scenario is to make it as comfortable as possible and seek the attention of a veterinary professional.

Things You'll Need

  • Box
  • Grass
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    • 1

      Pick the starling up off the ground and take it inside as quickly and calmly as you can. Avoid any sharp or violent movements or loud noises that might distress the bird.

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      Place the starling in a box with some grass and close the lid. This will help reduce the amount of stress the bird is feeling and lower the risk of further injury.

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      Contact the ASPCA to find out if they have a care center near you where you can take the bird for treatment. If they don't, ask if they know of any veterinary practices you could take the bird to in your area. The starling will need the attention of an experienced vet to treat the broken wing and the care of a rehabilitator to prepare it for release. You should not try to treat the bird yourself as this could result in further injury.

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      Take the bird to your nearest ASPCA center or veterinary practice.