How to Get Rid of Foxes Eating Chickens

It can be discouraging to any poultry owner to discover that a fox has gotten into their hen house. Owners who are dealing with foxes, raccoons, coyotes and bobcats have all known the distress that comes from finding an injured or missing fowl. When it comes to deterring predators from your chicken yard, prevention is definitely worth several pounds of cure. Once you make your chicken coop predator-proof, then you can concentrate on dealing with the pests in a humane and efficient manner.

Things You'll Need

  • 1/2-inch aviary wire
  • Fox deterrent
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      Reinforce your chicken coop with 1/2-inch aviary wire. If your coop has simple chicken wire on the bottom, know that predators such as raccoons and foxes can tear through the wire to get to your chickens. Use a heavy-duty stapler and cover the bottom of your coop with aviary wire to keep them out.

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      Surround the bottom of your coop with the aviary wire and bury it 1 foot into the ground. This takes a great deal of work, but it will ensure that foxes cannot dig their way underneath it.

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      Keep a fox away with a motion-detector sprinkler alarm. Foxes hate water, and will be chased away.

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      Employ a deterrent around your yard. Find chemical deterrents at any gardening supply store.

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      Ask your neighbors if the fox is giving them trouble as well. If so, call local animal pest control and ask for an intervention. Some animal control services will come out and trap a fox and release it into a less-populated area where it won't be trouble. The service may also offer you advice on how to set a trap yourself and assist you in giving the fox a new home.

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      Check with your local veterinarian to see if there are any fox-related rehabilitation services nearby. A rehab service may be able to help you deal with your fox humanely and assist you with relocating the fox.