How to Bathe a Baby Robin

Keeping a robin, or any songbird is illegal. Baby birds must be brought to a wildlife rehabilitation center or a veterinarian. If the robin must be bathed, this can be done with great care. Baby birds quickly chill if their down or feathers are dirty or wet.

Things You'll Need

  • Small Towel or paper towels
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      Watch for signs of stress or chill in the chick. Trembling, poor coordination and somnolence are signs of distress that can rapidly lead to the robin's death. Unlike many mammals, birds go into shock and die very rapidly. Keep the bird warm before, during and after bathing.

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      Using a small towel dampened with warm water gently spot clean the bird. Wipe the towel in the direction of the feathers or down. Do not use soap.

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      Keep water away from the bird's face, as it may drown from even trickles of water. Never dunk or set the baby bird in water. Wrap the robin in a dry towel or paper towel and place it near a heat source. Change the towel as it gets damp. Do not leave the bird unattended until it is completely dry.

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      Seriously soiled baby robins, or any wild bird, must be brought to a vet or wildlife center.