How to Prevent Ticks on Wild Birds

Wild birds are a beautiful and natural sight, and we can't help but be fascinated by them. However, wild birds can easily become infected with ticks, which then spread through the wild bird population. Ticks can be a host to Lyme disease, a condition that affects the body like a flu, and can cause symptoms for up to two years after the initial bite. Preventing ticks in wild birds is difficult, but there are steps that will help.

Things You'll Need

  • Birdfeeder
  • Bird food
  • Water
  • Bleach
  • Brush
  • Tick treatment
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      Buy the largest birdfeeder you can fit into your garden. This will allow birds to feed without having to touch each other, or fight for space. Ticks are spread through touch.

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      Clean the birdfeeder regularly. Wash your feeder, removing old food, in soapy water--1 part bleach to 9 parts water--at least every couple of weeks. Dry the feeder and refill with food.

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      Brush away any seed that lands on the ground. This will prevent rodents from establishing a feeding colony in your garden and will also prevent contact between birds and rodents, which may transfer ticks from one to the other.

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      Clean away bird droppings as often as possible. Infected bird droppings may contain bacteria that can then spread onto other birds and transfer illnesses.

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      Treat family pets regularly to prevent ticks. This will stop ticks from transferring onto birds, or onto your pet, which could then bring the tick into your home. Your vet will be able to recommend a tick prevention treatment.