How to Help an Egg Bound Chicken

Egg binding is not a very common occurrence in the backyard chicken coop but sometimes it can happen to hens with chronic worm problems, genetic issues, older hens or hens with nutritional deficiencies in their regular diet. An egg bound hen will usually sit on the ground with feathers fluffed out and look sick or sleepy. She may appear to be straining and her tail will move up and down. Fortunately, there are ways in which an egg bound bird can be helped.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic cover
  • Blanket
  • Pan
  • Water
  • Wire-bottom cage
  • Heat lamp (optional)
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      Place the egg bound hen in a cage or box with a wire floor (such as chicken wire), make sure the sides of the cage or box are high enough so the hen can't get out. Allow her to relax and settle down.

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      Heat some water in a large, flat pan until it is steaming but not hot to the point of scalding. Place the pan under the wire floor of the cage so it sits under the hen and let the steam reach her body, particularly around her vent, which is where the egg exits her body.

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      Place a dish of drinking water in the cage for the hen to drink any time she wants to. This will help the egg to pass from her body.

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      Cover the cage completely with a blanket or plastic cover and using a thermometer, make sure the temperature inside the cage (once covered) is between 90 and 95 degrees.

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      Use a heat lamp, if you have one, and hang it over the covered cage to add extra warmth.

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      Check the cage in two hours to see if the egg has passed out of the hen's vent. If so, she will look lively and healthy again. Repeat the treatment a few more times if she still looks listless and no egg is visible in the cage. If she has lain the egg, remove her from the cage and put her back in the coop with the rest of the hens.

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      Take the hen to a vet if she continues to act sick after the steam treatment. It's possible that something else might be wrong with her. The vet will give her an injection of calcium gluconate which usually causes the egg to pass.