How to Tell If Your Parrot Is Dehydrated?

Dehydration in parrots is preventable by ensuring the birds always have fresh, clean water. If your parrot seems not to be drinking much, you can try to entice it by adding a few drops of honey to its water. Change the water frequently, because bacteria grow easily in sweetened water. If your parrot does become dehydrated, replace its water with a rehydration solution. Force-feed your parrot if necessary. A cursory physical exam should tell you if your parrot is dehydrated and needs treatment.


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      Look carefully around your parrot's eye area. Crinkly skin in this area is a sign of dehydration.

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      Pinch the bird's skin in an unfeathered area for a few seconds. Dehydrated skin stays "tented up" for several seconds instead of bouncing right back.

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      Watch for signs of not eating or drinking. Lethargy is also a common side effect of dehydration.