Bird Nail Infection Recovery Time

A nail infection in a bird should be inspected by a veterinarian to make sure there is no underlying illnesses or specific medication needed. Quick response to an infection can prevent its spread and severity.
  1. Nail Bacterial and Fungal Infections

    • Birds can obtain bacterial skin infections in areas under their nails. It is important to treat your bird with oral or topical antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian. In addition, fungal infections can occur in the nail requiring the use of an anti-fungal creams. Treatment should be given for the indicated length of time. You should start to see a recovery in the bird during the treatment. If you notice that your bird is not recovering after the dosage has been completed, return to your veterinarian.

    Foot Necrosis

    • Foot necrosis in birds can be obtained from dirty human hands or hands with chemicals on them. The bird's feet can become irritated, leading to an infection. In this case, antibiotics are needed to heal the deadening tissue in the nail or foot. You must bandage the foot or the infection will not subside and may spread. To increase the recovery time, use an air purifier to reduce any mold in the air or dust to help the bird's recovery. If you do not notice a change in the infection after giving the required prescription, please set medical attention.

    Trim Bird Nails

    • Trimming a bird's nail can aid in the bird's comfort, as well as reduce bacterial and fungal infections. Find out the specific or proper length needed for your bird's health.

    Clean Cages

    • Continually clean your bird's cage to remove any unwanted bacteria, fungus or mold. This will not only prevent infections in your bird, but it will increase recovery time in a sick bird.