Moth Pheromone Traps & Parrot Illnesses

The Indian meal moth is the culprit that parrot owners fight to keep away from parrot and bird food, such as seeds, grains and pellets. Additionally, most parrot owners are already aware of the sensitivity of birds to pesticides, chemicals and anything not organic in nature. However, most pet bird owners recommend and use pheromone moth traps because they are chemical and pesticide-free.
  1. Identification

    • Pheromone moth traps are used to trap male moths that are a danger to seed and grain stores. The luring scent is lepidopteran and is approved for use by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


    • Pheromone traps appear not to have any adverse effects on parrots or other bird species. They are suggested for use for homes with parrots because they are considered a safe alternative to pesticides and chemicals.

    Expert Insight

    • The USDA and EPA attest that pheromone moth traps are not a danger or risk to birds or household pets. Additionally, the EPA has used such traps in wildlife preserves and woodland areas that suffer from moth infestation.