How do I Treat Turkeys for Lice?

One of the fastest ways to ruin an entire roost of turkeys is through the spread of lice. Lice feed off the skin flakes of turkeys, stealing nutrients and making the turkeys uncomfortable. Typically, if one turkey in a roost has lice, they all will shortly have it if the problem isn't addressed. The type of louse that feeds off of turkeys is called the chicken body louse.

Things You'll Need

  • Wettable poultry lice powder
  • Dust insecticide
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  1. Prevention

    • 1

      Examine the birds for lice regularly. Turkey lice are yellow in color and tend to congregate near the turkey's vent.

    • 2

      Clean the nesting area daily, removing any soiled hay.

    • 3

      Give the turkeys a space for dust bathing and make sure that their living space is not overcrowded.

    Chemical Treatment

    • 4

      Combine a wettable poultry lice powder with the amount of water recommended on the manufacturer's packaging and pour it into a pressure spray applicator.

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      Spray the skin of the entire turkey. Use the sprayer's pressure to penetrate the feathers.

    • 6

      Dust the entire nesting box with a dust insecticide to kill any lice in the box.

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      Repeat the treatment every two weeks as needed.