Excessive Preening
Finches that have been infested with lice will sometimes exhibit excessive preening behaviors. Excessive preening is when the finch constantly cleans its feathers and sometimes continues to the point of producing bald spots. This can be a vicious cycle as the finch will continue preening over and over due to the feathers damaged from the initial preening.
Damaged Feathers
Finches that have lice will exhibit various feather damage such as ruffled feathers, bald spots and feather-plucking behaviors. Inspect a finch exhibiting any kind of feather damage for lice or mites.
Finches can become restless especially at night when infested with lice. The restlessness can be caused by the intense itching caused by the lice infestation. If the finch is itching, this can also lead to skin disorders and infections. A finch may also exhibit signs of nervousness and irritability due to being infested with lice.
Signs of Lice on Finches
Lice infestation in domestic finches is not as common as with wild birds but it can occur, especially when new birds are brought into the home. The Finch Information Center website states that "Lice can be detected by running a finger through the feathers and observing adults or nits on feathers." Knowing the symptoms of lice infestation can help stop the infestation before it damages the health of your finch.