Elevated liver enzymes indicate that the liver is diseased or another illness is affecting the function of the liver. The more abnormal the liver enzyme levels, the more serious the health problem. What's considered normal or elevated depends on the species of bird.
High liver enzymes can occur for a variety of reasons. An improper diet is a common cause of liver disease in pet parrots due to the feeding of too much seed. Other causes include bacterial, viral and fungal infections, according to avian veterinarian Gary A. Gallerstein in "The Complete Bird Owner's Handbook."
Treatment for liver disease depends on the cause. If a cause can be found and the bird treated, liver enzymes may return to normal levels.
Elevated Avian Liver Enzymes
A basic blood workup for pet birds typically includes measuring the liver enzymes. These enzymes are produced by the liver and give a picture of the health of the bird's liver. If your avian veterinarian has told you that your bird's enzymes are high, understanding these enzymes will help you decide how to best care for your bird.