How to Hatch Bobwhite Quail Eggs

Bobwhite quail are useful both for their meat and for hunting. As the natural quail habitat is reduced, breeders respond by repopulating the bobwhite quail species to meet demand. Breeders supply restaurants, homes and hunting preserves with game birds. Successfully hatching a brood of quail requires careful moderation and the proper equipment, but, with attention to detail, even a beginning breeder can achieve a high hatch rate.

Things You'll Need

  • Incubator
  • Thermometer
  • Wet bulb thermometer
  • Rough paper, cheesecloth or mesh
  • Hatcher
  • Brooder
  • No-drown waterer
  • Game bird starter feed
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      Start your disinfected incubator a week prior to inserting the eggs to give it time to reach 100.25 degrees Fahrenheit (in a forced air incubator) or 100 degrees (in a still air incubator), with a wet bulb humidity level of 86 to 88 degrees.

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      Bring the eggs to room temperature before placing them in the incubator with the small ends down.

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      Turn the eggs between three and 24 times a day until day 21 when all turning should stop.

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      Set the temperature of a forced air hatcher at 99.25 degrees and a still air hatcher at 100 degrees, with a wet bulb humidity level of 90 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit. Line the floor with rough paper, cheesecloth or mesh to prevent spraddled legs in the chicks. If you do not have a hatcher, wait until day 21 to lower the temperature of the incubator one degree, and raise the humidity four degrees.

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      Place all the eggs in the hatcher or adjust the incubator temperature and humidity on day 21. Do not crowd the eggs or the chicks will not have enough room to fully hatch and may die.

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      Line a brooder box with mesh or rough paper. Place a no drown waterer inside and stock it with game bird starter feed. Bring the temperature up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Remove dry chicks from the hatcher and place them in brooder boxes. If your hatch rate is less than 80 percent, leave the unhatched eggs in the hatcher for two more days in case you made an error in timing or temperatures.