Symptoms of Disease in Gouldian Finches

Gouldian finches make great pets. They are irresistibly cute and beautiful creatures. However, if your Gouldian finch should succumb to disease, you must know the symptoms for each specific disease the finch might have. Knowing the illness and its symptoms is half the battle; then you will know how to treat it.
  1. Symptoms of Ornithosis

    • Ornithosis is a serious disease your finch could contract. It is caused by Chlamydia, which is an intracellular disease. Symptoms of Ornithosis are greenish, watery droppings, runny nose, eye infections and trouble standing. This disease cannot be cured, but it is treatable. If your Gouldian is experiencing any of these symptoms, consult an avian veterinarian right away.

    Symptoms of Streptococcus

    • Streptococcus is another common disease found in Gouldian finches. This illness is caused by a wound that did not heal properly, usually due to the bird's constant pecking at it. Symptoms of this disease are very close to those found in Ornithosis, but also include panting, depression, fluffing, weight loss and, in severe cases, seizures. Streptococcus is curable if caught early on.

    Symptoms of E-Coli

    • E-coli is also common amongst these birds. It is a bacteria caused by ingestion of infected foods. Symptoms can include diarrhea and lethargy, and the illness opens doors to diseases like pneumonia. E-coli can be treated with simple medications like Sulfa.

    Symptoms of Salmonella

    • Much like e-coli, salmonella is a bacterial infection Gouldian finches can contract. This bacterial infection is also caused by spoiled foods. Symptoms of salmonella are greenish yellow droppings, occasionally with blood, increased thirst and failure to thrive. If treated early enough, salmonella is easily cured with common medications like Furazolidone. However, if salmonella is firmly established in your bird, euthanasia is strongly recommended by veterinarians.