Diet for Elf Owls

The elf owl is the smallest owl in the world, ranging in size from five to 12 inches tall with a wingspan of 15 to 16 inches. Dusk and sunset are the most active times for the elf owl, a nocturnal predator that feeds mostly on insects and spiders.
  1. Diet

    • In addition to spiders and insects, elf owls will eat beetles, moths, grasshoppers, crickets, centipedes, and even scorpions. The owl will remove a scorpion's stinger before consuming it. Elf owls will hunt around sources of light at night because the light attracts flying insects. The owl can also use its den or hole to catch unsuspecting prey such as small lizards, mice, and small snakes.


    • The male elf owl will call for a female. Its call is similar to a barking dog. When a mate is found, the male will find a hole for the female. This is where she will lay her eggs. On average, the female will lay three eggs, but she can lay as few as one or as many as five. The male will offer the female food while she nurtures the eggs. The incubation period is approximately 24 days. He will continue to bring the female food once the eggs have hatched. Once the baby owls are about three weeks old, the female will begin to hunt.


    • Elf owls are found in southwestern states such as Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. They also live in Mexico. Elf owls prefer dryer habitats like the desert, but they can live in the mountains as well.


    • Elf owls find old woodpecker holes or natural tree cavities for a nest. The holes are located in giant cacti, oak trees, yucca flowering stalks, utility poles, and even bird boxes. The nests are typically 15 to 35 feet from the ground.


    • Predators of the elf owl include larger owls, coyotes, large snakes, and bobcats. The elf owl nests high up, so most predators find it difficult to get to the elf owl. When it senses danger, the elf owl will "play dead" until the perceived danger is gone.


    • In the wild elf owls live about three to six years. However, in captivity, the elf owl can survive up to 10 years.