Racing Pigeon Diseases

Racing pigeons is a competitive sport where owners train pigeons to always fly home to a certain spot. Competitions involve measuring distances, releasing the pigeons and then timing how long it takes the birds to fly back. Like all pets, pigeons are susceptible to disease, and it is important for owners to recognize common diseases in order to treat their birds in a timely fashion.
  1. Significance

    • The most common disease that affects racing pigeons is canker, caused by the protozoa trichomoniasis, according to This protozoa is transmitted from bird to bird via drinking water. Common symptoms include weight loss, diarrhea and feathers that appear ruffled. Birds with canker also develop yellowish deposits in the mouth. The proper care, such as cleaning drinking areas and using anti-canker medication, will help prevent the disease from affecting your birds.

    Other Common Diseases

    • Other common diseases in racing pigeons include coccidiosis and collibacosis. Coccidiosis is a highly contagious protozoa that affects the intestines. While present in most birds, young pigeons are highly susceptible to coccidiosis. These birds will stop eating and eventually die. Collibacosis is caused by the bacteria E. coli. If untreated, pigeons affected by this bacteria stop eating and moving, and begin to lose weight. Although antibiotics can help stop this infection, young pigeons are more likely to die from it.


    • In most cases, the proper care and sanitation is the best way to prevent diseases from affecting your pigeons. Pigeons should be kept in a stress-free environment, and kept on a regular feeding and watering schedule. Lofts should be kept clean and dry to prevent the growth of bacteria and other disease-causing agents. Disinfecting food dishes and drinkers on a regular basis is also key to prevent disease.


    • According to, some pigeon fanciers give their birds vitamin and mineral supplements to keep birds in good health. Since birds are kept in captivity, they may not get all the proper nutrients that they would get if they were living in the wild. According to, there are 15 mineral supplements that can improve the health of your pigeons, including calcium, magnesium and sodium.


    • Another common disease cause in pigeons is parasites. Mites and feather lice are the most common external parasites to affect pigeons. Once again, proper sanitation in the loft must be maintained to repel the growth of these parasites. Whenever you get a new bird, it is important to quarantine it from the rest of your flock for a few days and watch for signs of disease.