What Are the Causes of Poultry Diarrhea?

Diarrhea in poultry is primarily caused by parasites, bacteria or viruses. Many of these infectious organisms affect all poultry species, but turkeys are especially vulnerable to certain diseases.
  1. Parasites

    • Parasite infection can cause diarrhea in poultry. Common parasites found in poultry with diarrhea include coccidia and roundworms. These parasites cannot be seen with the naked eye. A microscope is needed to find the eggs in the stool.


    • Turkeys are affected by Blackhead caused by the cecal worm, Heterakis gallinae. Chickens are not affected by this worm, but can pass it on to turkeys.


    • Many bacteria can cause infection in poultry. Some bacteria that have diarrhea as a primary symptom include Escheria coli (E. coli) and Pasteurella multocida, the bacteria that causes fowl cholera.

    Salmonella Infections

    • Fowl typhoid, caused by the bacterium Salmonella gallinarum, is another cause of diarrhea. The bacterium Salmonella pullorum causes Pullorum, also known as white diarrhea.


    • Turkeys are especially vulnerable to erysipelas, caused by the bacterium Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. Ducks can also contract this disease.


    • Many viruses can cause a bird to have diarrhea. Avian influenza and Newcastle disease are two viral diseases that cause diarrhea in poultry. Rotaviruses are also a leading cause of poultry diarrhea.