Red Mites Treatment for Canaries

Red mites are the most common parasite in canaries. They feed on the blood of your bird during the night and are known as the vampires of the mite world.
  1. Features

    • The red mite is usually less than 1 mm in length and will appear clear or white until it feeds, at which time it will turn dark red or brown.


    • Red mites will keep your canary awake and restless during the night, and the mites will hide in daylight, crawling into cracks in the cage or perches or into other areas of your home.


    • To confirm if your bird has red mites, cover her cage during the night with a white sheet. Examine the sheet in the morning, and if you see tiny red or brown specks the size of pepper grains, your canary has red mites.


    • There are various solutions recommended for the treatment of red mites. These include pyrethrin sprays, ivermectin, permethrin, selamectin and moxidectin. The cage and perches must also be cleaned and disinfected.


    • Pyrethrins are toxic to cats and fish. If you are using a pyrethrin spray to treat your canary and you own fish or cats, use it with extreme caution.