How to Keep a Quaker Parrot Happy

Quaker Parrots are small birds that exhibit many of the behaviors of larger parrots. These social, intelligent birds enjoy human interaction and can learn a variety of tricks. Most are good talkers and can develop an extensive vocabulary, even learning phrases and songs and speaking in context. If you want to get the most out of your relationship with your pet, you must keep it content.


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      Feed your Quaker Parrot a balanced diet. These birds prefer seeds, but a balanced pellet diet is healthier. Supplement this with healthy treats like fruit, vegetables, nuts and pasta.

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      Let your parrot forage. In the wild, this creature would spend most of its day searching for food. Simulate this by purchasing a forage toy that requires the bird to work for a treat. You also can create your own forage toys. This can be as simple as wrapping a favorite treat in a small piece of newspaper, and requiring your Quaker Parrot to tear the paper to get the treat.

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      Keep your parrot clean. Set out a container of fresh water large enough for your Quaker Parrot to bathe. Some parrots love enjoy being misted with spray bottles and some even take showers with their owners. This simulates the rain they would encounter in the wild.

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      Provide opportunities for your pet to play. Quaker Parrots like to climb, hold objects, chew wood, tear and shred paper, and bat bells around. Provide toys or create your own playthings, which can be as simple as a drink cup lid to chew or a roll of adding machine paper to shred.

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      Interact with your parrot. In the wild, Quaker Parrots live in flocks. In captivity, you become the bird's flock, so spend some play time with your bird every day. Pet him, talk to him, play little games, or just let him sit with you while watching television.

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      Provide a safe place to sleep. Some Quaker Parrots like to sleep in the security of a bird tent, while others prefer a high perch in their cages. Provide alternatives to learn which one your Quaker Parrot prefers. Consider putting your bird to bed at night in a separate cage in a quiet part of the house, since these birds need at least 8 hours of sleep each night.