How to Prevent Parrot Boredom

Parrot boredom is a preventable situation that should be managed in the early stages of your pet's life. Providing him with varying levels of physical and mental stimulation will help to combat boredom and the unwanted behaviors that are triggered by it. Biting, plucking and screeching are all behavioral symptoms of a bored parrot. If left to escalate, any one of these behaviors can become detrimental to the health and well being of your parrot. But by providing the stimulus to prevent parrot boredom, these issues can become minimized or even non-existent.

Things You'll Need

  • Wooden chew toys
  • Foraging trees
  • Foraging containers
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Social interaction
  • Training Cds and DVDs
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    • 1

      Provide your parrot with plenty of toys to keep his mind occupied. Closed plastic containers full of treats, and foraging trees made of paper that can be shred to reveal hidden food, will help with this task. The addition of brightly colored toys made of wood that is strong enough to withstand heavy chewing, can create several hours of fun for your parrot and keep him busy when you are not there to entertain him.

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      Turn on a radio or keep a television playing in the background when you will be away for a short while. The audio from the radio or video stimulation from the television, will offer him something to focus on when you are away. It will also give him a chance to brush up on his vocal skills. Parrots are great listeners and the sights and sounds of the electronics will provide him with plenty of material to practice his vocalizations. Using DVDs and CDs that contain training media for your parrot are ideal for situations when you are not available.

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      Place your parrot’s cage in an area that will provide visual stimulus to keep his mind working. A window or set of sliding doors can offer him access to what is going on in the outdoor world. Watching other birds fly around, cats walking by, squirrels in motion, and even seeing the cars and planes, will help keep parrot boredom at bay.

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      Keep your parrot close to where you are, when you can. It is important to understand that a parrot creates a bond with his owner and appreciates his company. As a parrot owner, you will be his main focus of study, and in order to promote proper socialization you will have to provide him with plenty of attention and affection. Your parrot’s boredom can be minimized by allowing him to perch in rooms that you usually frequent. This way you can offer him physical attention and conversation.

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      Socialize your parrot often and allow him to interact with other people as much as possible. A parrot loves attention, and without it boredom can set in and promote unacceptable behaviors. By teaching him to permit others to hold him, play with him, and teach him tricks and vocalizations, you will be opening up new avenues of entertainment for your parrot, preventing destructive boredom from setting in.