How to Care for a Rosella

With their brightly colored plumage and lively personalities, these native Aussies make wonderful pets. In the wild, you would find a rosella landing in your garden in a small flock. They feast on blossoms, insects and seeds while whistling and fussing with each other. As a pet, a rosella can present some challenges, as they tend to be more independent (and aggressive) than your average parrot. Here are some suggestion on how to care for your rosella.

Things You'll Need

  • Aviary or large cage
  • Variety of foods
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      Give your bird plenty of space. Rosellas are best kept in an aviary or large cage. Unless your rosella was hand-fed and tamed from a young age, chances are he or she will not like to handled very much. A rosella is more territorial than a parrot or parakeet, and will required adequate housing, especially if you decide to breed them. While they breed easily, the female will be extra-protective of her eggs.

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      Do not keep more than one pair of rosellas in a cage as they are quite territorial birds and problems can arise between them, especially the males.

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      Feed your rosella a variety of foods other than just seed. Keep some millet sprays in the aviary or cage, and cut up fresh fruit and vegetables like apple and carrots. If you are breeding rosellas, add some stale white bread (softened in a little water) and a little chopped hard-boiled egg for them as well.

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      Make sure to change the water daily and keep the aviary or cage clean. Fill a shallow dish with water, and the rosella will take baths.

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      Realize that rosellas are not great talkers and in fact, the chances of the bird speaking are very, very rare. He or she will pick up sounds, though, especially whistles.