How to Spot a Sick Finch

Whether you're adopting a new finch or monitoring your own finches, you need to be able to recognize the signs of sickness. You don't want to bring a sick finch into your flock, and you need to be able to intervene quickly when one of your finches gets sick.


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      See if the finch refuses to fly or engage with other birds. Generally, finches only sit still to sleep, and they don't normally sleep on the floor of the cage.

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      Look at the finch's feathers. A sick finch holds her feathers slightly away from her body, giving her a fluffy look. A healthy finch holds her feathers near her body, making her look sleek. A sick bird may also have dull feathers that don't look like they've been preened.

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      Notice his breathing. When a finch breathes audibly or with an open beak, chances are that he has a respiratory ailment.

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      Monitor the finch's food and water intake. If you're familiar with the bird, notice any changes from her normal food and water habits.

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      Check his eyes. While a healthy finch holds his eyes open, a sick finch may keep his eyes half closed, even when he's interacting with others, or eating and drinking. You may also notice a discharge coming from his eyes.

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      Examine her vent. A wet or dirty vent area is almost invariably a sign of a sick finch.

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      Watch for any change in behavior. Because they're prey animals, finches are good at keeping their symptoms hidden. Any change in behavior may be an indication of sickness.