Watch the parrot's behavior. If your parrot changes how much noise he makes or stops hopping around his cage and just sits on the same perch, keep track of how long he's doing this to report to the veterinarian. Other examples of abnormal behavior are if the bird shivers when it isn't cold, stops eating and drinking, and suddenly starts being aggressive or fussy. When your parrot is perched and hangs his head low, seems to "droop" or falls off the perch, this can be a sign of illness. An increase in the bobbing motion of his tail could mean he's having trouble breathing.
Watch what the parrot drops. Birds poop a lot normally and although it may seem gross to pay attention to the color and consistency, if the bird's stomach is upset, you will see a change in his droppings.
Watch what the parrot eats and drinks. If the parrot changes his eating and drinking habits suddenly, he may not feel well and you should watch him closely.
Check the parrot's appearance. A runny nose or eyes, soiled or matted feathers, swollen feet or limping are all signs of illness in a parrot.