How to Care for a Baby Bird

The belief that baby birds that are touched by human hands will be rejected by their parents is a myth.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft Facial Tissues
  • Paper Bags
  • Extension Ladders
  • Paper bags
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      Determine whether a featherless baby bird has fallen out of its nest.

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      Put the bird back in the nest if you can reach it.

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      Carefully place the bird in a box or paper bag lined with soft tissues if you cannot put the bird back into the nest or if you do not know where the nest is.

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      Poke holes into the box lid or bag to admit air.

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      Keep the box or bag in a moderately warm place.

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      Contact a licensed rehabilitator to care for the bird.

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      Contact the local Audubon Society, Humane Society or a local veterinarian for advice if you do not have a wildlife rehabilitation organization in your area.