How to Build a Cage for Pet Pigeons

Building a cage for a pet pigeon yourself is a cheaper alternative to purchasing an expensive birdcage from a pet store. A cage for a pigeon must be large enough that the bird can fully extend its wings. It also needs a perch that the pigeon can hop up onto. Build your own pigeon cage by assembling a few wire storage cubes, building a perch, laying down newspaper and creating a door with twist ties.

Things You'll Need

  • Wire storage cubes
  • Twist ties
  • Binder clips
  • Old newspaper
  • 2 towels
  • Water bowl
  • Food bowl
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    • 1

      Assemble three wire storage cubes together so that they lay horizontally on the floor. The cage should be three cubes long and one cube wide. Leave the front of the center cube open to serve as a door. If desired, add a second set of wire storage cubes to the cage to create an even larger living area for your pigeon.

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      Place a perch in the cage by attaching one of the panels in the corner of the cage 3 inches off the ground with twist ties. The pigeon needs to be able to hop up to the perch and stand straight up on it. If you want to place a perch higher than hopping range, you will need to make the cage two cubes wide so the pigeon can fly up to it.

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      Secure the open door panel to the cage with twist ties or key rings.

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      Lay old newspaper down on the base of all the panels.

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      Slide an old towel under the cage. Lift the sides of the towel up so that they cover the bottom 2 inches of the cage, all the way around. Attach the towel to the cage with binder clips. The towel prevents seeds from flying out of the cage and helps contain water spills.

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      Lay another old towel over the cube containing the perch so that all three outside panels are covered.

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      Insert small water and food bowls in the cage.

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      Place the cage against a wall so that the pigeon has cover from multiple sides.