How to Make a Bird Playstand

Some birds are gentle and well mannered, but others, if they do not receive enough attention, can put up quite a racket. In order to keep your bird healthy and happy, you need to provide it with enough toys and activities to keep it busy. The perfect solution to this problem is to build your own playstand. You can construct your own bird playstand out of materials as simple as PVC and rope. The best part is you can customize your bird's playstand to incorporate its favorite toys, thus ensuring endless hours of amusement.

Things You'll Need

  • 1-inch 5-way PVC connector
  • Four 18-inch pieces of 1-inch PVC
  • 24-inch length of 1-inch PVC
  • PVC 3-way connectors
  • Additional 12- and 18-inch lengths of 1-inch PVC
  • Twine or rope
  • 1-inch PVC caps
  • Plastic chain
  • Fine-gauge wire
  • Thick rope
  • Bird toys and treats
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    • 1

      Set a 1-inch 5-way PVC connector flat on the ground and insert an 18-inch length of 1-inch PVC into all but the top connection. The result will be an X-shape to serve as the base for your bird playstand. If you plan to make your playstand more than 5 feet tall, you may want to use 24-inch sections of PVC for increased stability.

    • 2

      Insert a 24-inch length of 1-inch PVC into the remaining vertical opening on the 5-way connector. Top the vertical piece of PVC with a PVC 3-way T-connector and insert a 12-inch length of 1-inch PVC into the horizontal connection.

    • 3

      Add 12-inch vertical sections of PVC connected to 3-way T-connectors until your playstand reaches the desired height.

    • 4

      Insert 12- and 18-inch pieces of PVC into each of the horizontal connections on each 3-way connector. Wrap all of the horizontal pieces of PVC in twine or rope to create a foothold for your bird and press a 1-inch PVC cap onto the open end of each pipe.

    • 5

      Drape loops of plastic chain on and under one of the horizontal pieces of PVC. Secure the plastic chain to the PVC using fine-gauge wire. Your bird will not only enjoy climbing on the chains but will also like to chew on and rattle them.

    • 6

      Hang a thick rope from the middle of another horizontal piece of PVC. The rope should be at least 1 inch thick so your bird can hang onto it with its claws and beak as it climbs and swings.

    • 7

      Hang a variety of bird toys from the rest of the horizontal PVC pipes. Attach bells, balls and edible treats with fine-gauge wire.