Things You Can Put in a Parakeet's Cage

Amusing and intelligent, parakeets can impress their owners with their ability to learn simple tricks. These small birds also make great companions for people of all ages. Parakeets require a proper diet and stimulation in order to flourish, so when stocking your bird's cage, consider buying or making particular items to keep your parakeet happy and healthy.
  1. Food and Water

    • A seed bar can provide your parakeet with a snack and stimulation as your bird pecks at it and hangs off of it.

      Parakeets need a proper bowl or dispenser for food and water. Pet stores sell bowls that can attach to the side of the cage for easy access for both you and the bird. However, stores also sell special dispensers for birds who might be messy eaters. These dispensers will keep birdseed shells from being thrown from the cage. Your parakeet also will enjoy an occasional treat. Pet supply stores carry seed and fruit bars, which hang from the ceiling of the bird cage or attach to the cage's side.

    Liners and Bedding

    • Cage gravel will keep odors to a minimum.

      Bird cage liners make cleaning up easier, and they're also more sanitary for the parakeets. Cage gravel or bedding also can be used because they absorb any waste or odors inside your parakeet's cage. Look for liners, gravel and bedding that are dust-free and non-toxic to your parakeet.


    • Cuttlebones are an excellent source of calcium and minerals for your bird.

      Parakeets need cage accessories that allow them to rest and keep in shape. Perches come in a variety of materials, sizes and styles. Rope perches, for example, provide a resting area, but they also serve as a fun item for your bird to nibble. Your parakeet also can benefit from having a cuttlebone inside the cage. These flat, oblong-shaped bones clip to the sides of bird cages and help your parakeet to keep its beak trim and smooth. In addition, they provide your bird with an excellent source of calcium and minerals.


    • Having mirrors in the cage will keep your parakeet entertained.

      Parakeets enjoy being active, so they need things to do inside their cage to keep them stimulated. Pet stores sell a variety of toys, including ladders, play gyms, hanging bells and mirrors. Swing ropes will help your bird get exercise and stay fit. Your parakeet also will enjoy preening toys that it can destroy and shred. These toys fulfill a bird's urge to pick at its feathers, which can become painful if done too often. A cheap option for preening toys include toilet paper roles, popsicle sticks or dye-free paper.