Do it Yourself Outdoor Parakeet Cage

Parakeets, otherwise known as budgies, are small birds related to parrots that are renowned for their singing and their tame and gentle nature. Caring for your parakeet can be a lot of fun and highly rewarding. It's important to decide what kind of outdoor cage is best. Though not happy outdoors overnight, your budgie may enjoy the outdoor cage you build. Sitting on the porch is a great way for you and your budgie to enjoy the outdoors.

Things You'll Need

  • 3 metal rings 2-feet diameter
  • Stainless steel hardware cloth or wire mesh
  • Piece of wire to latch and hold middle ring
  • Natural wood perch
  • Bird toys
  • Hook to hang the cage
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      Cover two of the rings with stainless steel hardware cloth or wire mesh. Bend the mesh over the sides of the ring to secure it in place. Do not use a wire mesh that contains zinc, which is toxic to birds. The mesh should not be so thick that it defeats the purpose of being outside but not so coarse that the bird might escape. These two rings will serve as the top and bottom of a cylinder-shaped cage.

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      Create a cylinder by using the two wrapped sides as lids. Use the third ring as support in the middle. Wrap it in wire mesh. Close the wire mesh together by folding the end over itself or stapling the two sides together. Hold the middle ring in place with a few twisted pieces of wire. Alternatively, you can use evenly-spaced small metal bars. The cylinder should be about to to three feet high.

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      Attach a hook to the top part of the cage so that it can hang from a plant holder, if desired. Make sure to put the hook in the middle of the lid or your cage will hang lopsided. Using a hook with a smaller hook on the opposing side will let you slip the hook right through the bars on the mesh.

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      Cut an access hole in the side of the cylinder so you can put your bird in and take him out when you go inside. This is not a permanent cage, so he will need to go back to his big cage eventually. To make the door, take wire cutters and cut three sides of a square. Fold the metal back and forth to make it more pliable. If the wire mesh is sharp at the edges, you can fold small pieces of metal or attach some small pieces of wood to the edges to avoid cutting yourself or your budgie.

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      Make a simple latch for the door by feeding a piece of pliable wire through the door to the bottom of the cylinder and twisting closed when the bird is inside.

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      Place a perch diagonally across the cylinder for your bird to sit on. Use natural wood, as this will encourage the bird to trim her claws and use the musculature in her feet.

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      Hang some bird toys from the top of the cage to entertain your budgie while you two are outside.