What are the food source of bald eagles?

Bald eagles are carnivorous birds that primarily feed on fish. They are skilled hunters and have a keen sense of vision, which helps them spot prey from great heights. Bald eagles typically capture fish by diving down from the sky and using their sharp talons to grab their catch. Some of the most common fish species that bald eagles prey on include salmon, trout, bass, and carp.

In addition to fish, bald eagles also eat a variety of other animals, including waterfowl, small mammals, and carrion (dead animals). Some of the other prey items that bald eagles have been known to eat include rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, seabirds, and even deer fawns.

Bald eagles are opportunistic predators, meaning that they will take whatever prey is available. However, they do have a preference for certain types of food. For example, bald eagles have been known to travel long distances to feed on salmon runs.

The food sources of bald eagles vary depending on their geographic location. In some areas, bald eagles may rely primarily on fish, while in other areas they may eat more of a variety of prey. The diet of bald eagles also changes with the seasons. For example, during the winter months, when fish are less plentiful, bald eagles may eat more carrion and small mammals.