1. Weight Gain:
Arctic terns undergo significant weight gain in preparation for their arduous migration. They increase their body fat reserves, accumulating substantial energy stores that will fuel their prolonged flight. This increased fat content also aids in insulation, helping the birds withstand the frigid temperatures they will encounter during their journey.
2. Molting:
Before embarking on their migration, Arctic terns undergo a complete molt, replacing their worn-out feathers with new, robust plumage. This new set of feathers provides enhanced insulation and waterproofing, essential for enduring the extreme weather conditions they will face during their migration.
3. Coastal Migration:
Arctic terns primarily inhabit coastal regions during their breeding season. As winter approaches, they initiate their migration by flying along coastlines, taking advantage of the abundance of food sources near shore. This allows them to replenish their energy reserves while gradually progressing toward their ultimate destination.
4. Transoceanic Flight:
Arctic terns are one of the few bird species capable of crossing entire oceans during migration. They embark on an epic journey across the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean, covering distances exceeding 10,000 miles. Their exceptional endurance and navigational skills allow them to successfully traverse these vast oceanic stretches.
5. Antarctic Destination:
The ultimate destination for Arctic terns during winter is Antarctica. This frozen continent provides an abundant food supply during the Antarctic summer, when the days are long, and the seas are teeming with krill and other small marine organisms. The terns capitalize on this seasonal bounty, replenishing their energy stores before embarking on their return migration.
Throughout their incredible migration, Arctic terns exhibit extraordinary adaptations that enable them to endure the challenges of their long journey. Their weight gain, molting, coastal migration patterns, transoceanic flight, and ultimate arrival in Antarctica demonstrate the remarkable resilience and survival instincts of these magnificent creatures.