Instead of sand, it's recommended to use commercially available or veterinarian-approved substrate or bedding material that is safe and suitable for the specific type of bird. Some commonly used alternatives to sand include:
-Cage liners made of recycled paper or natural fibers
-Shredded paper
-Wood shavings or sawdust (depending on bird species and safety considerations)
-Commercial bird substrate pellets or crumble
-Natural grass clippings (subject to availability and treatment to ensure safety)
It's important to choose bedding material that is dust-free, non-toxic, and does not contain harmful substances. If sand is absolutely necessary for the bird's hygiene (such as in certain bird species that enjoy dust bathing), it's crucial to ensure it's clean, fine-grained, and placed in a separate sand bath container rather than being scattered on the cage floor.
Consult with an avian veterinarian or experienced bird owner to determine the most appropriate substrate for your specific bird species to maintain their health and well-being.