What do you if a bird has built nest in your mailbox?

Here's what you can do if a bird has built a nest in your mailbox:

1. Leave it alone:

If possible, the best course of action is to leave the nest alone and allow the birds to complete their nesting cycle. Birds are protected by federal law, and it's illegal to disturb or destroy active nests.

2. Move the nest:

If you must move the nest, you should do so carefully and only if it's absolutely necessary (for example, if the nest is causing a safety hazard).

- You can try gently dislodging the nest with a stick or other long object, being mindful of the birds' safety

- Place the nest in a nearby tree or shrub, ensuring it's securely nestled and well-hidden.

- It's important to move the nest before the eggs hatch or when the chicks are still very young, as they are more vulnerable to harm during this period.

3. Install a nest box:

To discourage birds from nesting in your mailbox in the future, consider installing a birdhouse or nest box nearby. This will provide the birds with a suitable alternative location for nesting.

4. Cover your mailbox:

As a temporary measure, you can cover the mailbox opening with a wire mesh screen or netting to prevent birds from entering and building a nest. Make sure the screen doesn't interfere with mail delivery.

5. Consult local wildlife experts:

If you're unsure about handling the situation, consult with your local wildlife conservation agency or a bird rehabilitation center for guidance. They can provide expert advice and support.

6. Be patient and respectful:

Remember that birds are protected by law, and interfering with their nests can have legal consequences. Be patient and respectful of their presence, and try to find a solution that allows both the birds and your mail delivery needs to coexist peacefully.