The American peregrine falcon breeds widely across North America, from Alaska and northern Canada to the southern United States and Mexico. In Canada, it occurs south of the tree line in every province except Prince Edward Island.
Winter Range
The American peregrine falcon mostly winters in North and Central America, including as far north as southern Canada and Alaska, the southern United States and Mexico, the West Indies, and Central America, as far south as Panama. A small number of individuals from northern populations winter in South America all the way down to northern Argentina and Chile.
American peregrine falcons are long-distance migrants, moving between their breeding and wintering ranges. In the fall, they begin to migrate south from their breeding grounds in North America, starting as early as September and continuing into October and November. They typically migrate along major flyways, such as the Pacific, Central, and Atlantic Flyways, and stopover at various locations along the way. The birds spend the winter in their non-breeding range and begin their northward migration in the spring, typically starting in March and continuing into April and May.
Stopover Sites
During migration, American peregrine falcons make use of a variety of stopover sites, where they can rest and feed before continuing their journey. These sites may include coastal habitats such as beaches and salt marshes, inland wetlands, mountain passes, and large bodies of water. The birds may stopover for a few days to several weeks before moving on.