Is it legal to own a falcon?

Falconry is the art and sport of hunting with a trained bird of prey. While it is legal to own a falcon in many parts of the world, it is important to note that there are strict regulations and licensing requirements that must be followed. These regulations vary from country to country and even state to state, and can include:

- Obtaining a permit or license

- Registering the bird

- Housing and care requirements

- Training and handling requirements

- Hunting regulations

In some jurisdictions, falconry may also be considered a cultural practice, and there may be additional requirements and regulations that apply to indigenous or traditional falconers.

Additionally, it is important to consider the ethical implications of falconry and the welfare of the birds involved. Before getting involved in falconry, it is essential to research and understand the legal, ethical, and practical considerations to ensure responsible ownership and practice. Joining a falconry club or association can also provide valuable guidance and support.